:: [devuan-dev] bug#548: [EXTERNAL] Re…
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Autor: Meeuwissen Olaf
Data: 2021-02-17 23:15 -000
Dla: Bob Proulx
CC: 548@bugs.devuan.org
Temat: [devuan-dev] bug#548: [EXTERNAL] Re: bug#548: eudev: postinst fails when kvm group present
Bob Proulx writes:

> Meeuwissen Olaf wrote:
>> I just upgraded a number of packages on a machine where I had
>> manually added a `kvm` group. This caused the postinst script
>> to fail with
>> The group `kvm' already exists and is not a system group. Exiting.
>> leaving `eudev` unconfigured.
> I noticed this on Sunday and also investigated. And then today
> another user DeepDive on #devuan IRC reported the same problem.
> Therefore I am raising the severity to important due to the effect
> this has for many users.

Thanks. I was wondering whether to do so on the initial report.

>> I don't know if the `kvm` *must* be a system group but things
>> have been working fine for me with a non-system group. As long as
>> a non-system `kvm` group exists, configuring `eudev` will fail.
>> This is easily confirmed with
>> $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure eudev
>> The group `kvm' already exists and is not a system group. Exiting.
>> Changing the group to a system group fixes this behaviour.
>> I worked around the issue by appending `|| true` in the postscript
>> to the `adduser` command that tries to create the system group.
>> If the `kvm` group does not have to be a system group, I would expect
>> configuration to succeed if a non-system `kvm` group is present.
> But the code used in the postinst is problematic. The code is this.
> (I know the web version does not show indentation. Imagine the code
> being indented. Check the original files.)
>     #!/bin/sh
>     set -e
>     ...
>     case "$1" in
>         configure)
>         ...
>         # Add new system group used by udev rules
>         addgroup --quiet --system input

>         # Make /dev/kvm accessible to kvm group
>         addgroup --quiet --system kvm

>         # Make /dev/dri/renderD* accessible to render group
>         addgroup --quiet --system render

> Those are unconditional additions. Which means that if the addgroup
> returns a non-zero exit code then due to the set -e the configure
> fails and the package is left unconfigured.
> It is true that the addgroup would return 0 (success) if it would not
> need to do the action. But if the user has already locally configured
> an account user or group then that previously existing configuration
> should be maintained.
> Therefore group addition should not be unconditional. It should be
> conditional upon the group not already existing. I present two
> alternative examples from existing packages that handle this in two
> different ways.
> The first from postfix. The "try it and see" method.
>     cd ${CHROOT}
>     # make sure that the postfix user exists.  Simplest portable way to check is to
>     # chown something, so we'll create the directories that we need here.
>     makedir private         root:root 700
>     chgrp postfix private 2>/dev/null ||
>         addgroup --system postfix
>     chown postfix private 2>/dev/null ||
>         adduser --system --home ${CHROOT} --no-create-home --disabled-password --ingroup postfix postfix

> The second from libvirt-daemon-system. The "check it and see" method.
>     if ! getent group libvirt >/dev/null; then
>         addgroup --quiet --system libvirt
>     fi
>     if ! getent group kvm >/dev/null; then
>         addgroup --quiet --system kvm
>     fi

> Again for the web display please imagine the above having indentation.
> And so either way seems good and acceptable. I would probably do the
> same thing libvirt-daemon-system is doing as that is simple enough.

I would also go the libvirt-daemon-system way. It more clearly states
what is going on.

> Here is a suggested fix for this.
>     # Add new system group used by udev rules
>     if ! getent group input >/dev/null; then
>         addgroup --quiet --system input
>     fi

>     # Make /dev/kvm accessible to kvm group
>     if ! getent group kvm >/dev/null; then
>         addgroup --quiet --system kvm
>     fi

>     # Make /dev/dri/renderD* accessible to render group
>     if ! getent group render >/dev/null; then
>         addgroup --quiet --system render
>     fi

> Thank you for maintaining eudev in Devuan! :-)

And thank you for actually suggesting a fix!

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2       FLOSS Engineer -- EPSON AVASYS CORPORATION
       Free Software Foundation Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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