Package: eudev
Version: 3.2.9-8~beowulf1
The recent eudev 3.2.9-8~beowulf1 arrive on my systems and I noticed
that it configured two new groups "kvm" and "renderer". Which is
okay. And I note that libvirt-daemon-system also creates "kvm".
But the code used in the postinst is problematic. The code is this.
set -e
case "$1" in
# Add new system group used by udev rules
addgroup --quiet --system input
# Make /dev/kvm accessible to kvm group
addgroup --quiet --system kvm
# Make /dev/dri/renderD* accessible to render group
addgroup --quiet --system render
Those are unconditional additions. Which means that if the group
already exists then there is an error. And due to the set -e this
error prevents installation. Problem reported by user DeepDive on
the #devuan IRC channel.
The group addition should not be unconditional. It should be
conditional upon the group not already existing. I present two
alternative examples.
The first from postfix. The "try it and see" method.
cd ${CHROOT}
# make sure that the postfix user exists. Simplest portable way to check is to
# chown something, so we'll create the directories that we need here.
makedir private root:root 700
chgrp postfix private 2>/dev/null ||
addgroup --system postfix
chown postfix private 2>/dev/null ||
adduser --system --home ${CHROOT} --no-create-home --disabled-password --ingroup postfix postfix
The second from libvirt-daemon-system. The "check it and see" method.
if ! getent group libvirt >/dev/null; then
addgroup --quiet --system libvirt
if ! getent group kvm >/dev/null; then
addgroup --quiet --system kvm
And so either way seems good and acceptable. I would probably do the
same thing libvirt-daemon-system is doing as that is simple enough.
Here is a suggested fix for this.
# Add new system group used by udev rules
if ! getent group input >/dev/null; then
addgroup --quiet --system input
# Make /dev/kvm accessible to kvm group
if ! getent group kvm >/dev/null; then
addgroup --quiet --system kvm
# Make /dev/dri/renderD* accessible to render group
if ! getent group render >/dev/null; then
addgroup --quiet --system render
Thank you for maintaining eudev in Devuan! :-)