著者: Lorenz 日付: To: aitor CC: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Help needed:[Fwd: eudev: Methods to detect if running in
a container.]
Few months ago I sent a patch for needrestart, and there is a function
(line 66) there to detect if it's running in a container; i'm not sure that
is something that was not already mentioned and discarded here, but maybe
it's worth checking.
Il giorno dom 3 gen 2021 alle ore 10:41 aitor <aitor_czr@???> ha
> I don't know. But, as far as i know, this question arises from the
> developers of runit.
Side question: where/who are the developers of runit?
I'm planning extensive development for the next cycle (Debian/Bookworm) so
we probably should coordinate at least to make sure that we don't step on
each other foot