:: Re: [DNG] Request for assistance
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Autor: o1bigtenor
To: al3xu5 / dotcommon, Devuan ML
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Request for assistance
On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 12:52 PM al3xu5 / dotcommon
<dotcommon@???> wrote:
> Mon, 25 Jan 2021 10:59:34 -0600 - o1bigtenor <o1bigtenor@???>:
> > [...]
> > >
> > > Your modeline will be something similar to:
> > >
> > > "3840x2160_30.00" 339.57 3840 4080 4496 5152 2160 2161 2164 2197 -HSync
> > > +Vsync
> > >
> >
> > 3840x2160   30.000 Hz  16:9    67.500 kHz 297.000 MHz (1150 mm x 650 mm)
> >                  Hfront  176 Hsync  88 Hback 296 Hpol P
> >                  Vfront    8 Vsync  10 Vback  72 Vpol P

> >
> > It seems to me that the 297.000 MHz (different than 339.57 MHz) is
> > important.
> see below...
> > > [...]
> > I am presently stuck trying to get 'videogen' working.
> >
> > Can see everything in the directory but using either root or user I get
> > the same error message:
> > $ videogen
> > could not open configuration file "~/.videogen" (errno=2)
> > [...]
> > error: no modes (resolutions) have been specified
> >
> > Suggestion(s) on how to get over this hurdle?
> You should read videogen man:

I have found that man pages are designed for the expert who needs a refresher
which is not the same as a noob with no knowledge. So man pages are a last
resort for me.
> $ man videogen
> As you can see, you have to specify command parameters for videogen and/or
> a configuration file for videogen where to read parameters to be used.
> In short, you need tu run videogen in this way:

THANK YOU (deliberate use of caps!) - - - - this is the one thing that man pages
seem unable to do - - - - an example of good usage.
> $ videogen -v nvidia=on mode=WxH -mdc=CCC -mhf=HHH -mvf=VVV -dvf=OOO
> where:
>        -v verbose output

>        nvidia=on|off
>               Turn on/off non-free NVidia Linux driver compatibility mode.
>                (default=on)

>        mode=modespec
>               Adds modespec to the list of modes to calculate a Modeline
>        for. This must be in the form 800x600 (width x height) and it  can
>        be  specified  more than once to add several modes.

>        -mdc=freq
>               Set freq to the maximum dot clock rate of your video card or
>        the bandwidth of your monitor, whichever is lower, in MHz.

>        -mhf=freq
>               Set freq to the maximum horizontal refresh frequency of your
>        monitor in kHz.

>        -mvf=freq
>               Set freq to the maximum vertical refresh frequency of your
>        monitor in Hz.

>        -dvf=freq
>               Set  freq  to the vertical refresh frequency which you think
>        would be optimal for you, in Hz.  The program will try to match
>        this frequency at all resolutions, instead of the maximum frequency
>        that would be technically possible. (optional)


following is one example of the output:

# videogen -v nvidia=on mode=3840x2160 -mdc=300.00 -mhf=67.500 -dvf=30
argument 6 (-dvf=30) has an invalid parameter
command line syntax error

I tried both with nvidia on and off, -dvf from 25 to 35 (clock/x*y).

It would seem that I've struck out - - - - one more time - - - oh well.

I think the wife will be overjoyed at getting a new TV except that I likely
won't be getting a new monitor for quite some time!

Thanks for the help!!
