On Saturday 02 January 2021 at 15:00:04, Adrian Zaugg wrote:
> Dear List
> Yesterday I installed syncthing-relaysrv, which is missing the init
> script for System V based systems. What is the best practice to report
> such problem? Open a bug in Devuan, Debian or upstreams?
I would start by finding out whether any older version of the package (for
Debian, Ubuntu, or anything else it's previously been packaged for) had such a
script, and it looks like it's been dropped, or whether there never was one in
the first place.
Looking around
https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/tree/main/etc and also
at older versions, it doesn't look to me like the authors have ever created a
sysvinit script for it, so I'd start by contacting them (possibly after
looking at the /etc deirectory for other systems such as BSD to see whether
you can put something together yourself and offer it as a starting point).
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