Szerző: aitor Dátum: 2020-12-11 18:06 -000 Címzett: dng Tárgy: Re: [DNG] What I learned at Distrowatch
On 12/11/20 1:16 PM, aitor wrote: >
> Hi Dimitris,
> On 12/11/20 12:23 PM, Dimitris via Dng wrote:
>> yes,
>> running `apt purge elogind` in testing/ceres brings in consolekit
>> instead.
>> don't have a ascii/beowulf with xorg to test, but should be the same.
> The same in beowulf, one can purge elogind (required by
> xserver-xorg-core) installing either consolekit or libsystemd0.
> Aitor.
> Better said, xorg depends on libsystemd0, and the other packages provide
it somehow. But this afternoon i've built the xserver-xorg-* packages
within a base system
removing libsystemd-dev and dbus from dependencies, and installed them
over my devuan beowulf xfce via dpkg -i. Everything is working fine so
far,but i don't want to rush.
In addition, I've been able to build a system including a window manager
-openbox- without the need of libsystemd0, consolekit or elogind. Any
desktop environment,
even lxde, will install this last one.