:: [maemo-leste] D4: Control and capsl…
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著者: Pavel Machek
日付: 2020-12-09 17:15 -000
To: tony, sre, nekit1000, mpartap, merlijn, martin_rysavy, phone-devel, maemo-leste
古いトピック: [maemo-leste] D4 after leste update: rotated touchscreen
新しいトピック: [maemo-leste] Droid4: USB host works in Leste
題目: [maemo-leste] D4: Control and capslock keyboard mapping

I'm dual booting between Leste and original ROM, and it is super
annoying... because Leste uses shift as control and capslock as shift.

Could we use shift as shift and capslock as control? That should make
keyboard behave more like original ROM and be less confusing

There is some precedent for putting control where capslock is today --
I use that setup on notebooks, sun did that (
https://deskthority.net/wiki/Sun_Type_3 ), and in fact original IBM PC
did, too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:IBM_Model_F_XT.png

Best regards,