:: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2020-09-…
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著者: B Stack
To: devuan developers internal list
題目: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2020-09-17
# Devuan meet 2020-09-17 @20:30 UTC

Present: rrq, fsmithred, golinux, mason, bgstack15, Beer, Adam

## Old Business

## Old Actions

### mason
* TWiki lack of separation of concerns is concerning me. The upstream
instructions have us chowning the entire tree, user data, config code,
to www-data, which is bad. That said, I'm slogging through to see if
it can be done in a more fine-grained way.
* Option: Foswiki. Forked from TWiki. My initial run caught on JQuery,
but evidently it's not required on the browser end, just the server
side. I'm not familiar enough to have forseen that as a possibility.
Exploring, as it's seemingly a more vibrant community.
* Option: ikiwiki. I'm not remembering why this didn't make the list
before. Has the advantage of being actually packaged by Debian, as
it's written by Debian folks.
* Option: MoinMoin. It's based on Python2, but that seems not to have
caused either FreeBSD or Debian to move off of it. I list this mostly
because it's a pleasant interface.
* Plan: I hope to have examples of TWiki, Foswiki, and ikiwiki spun up.
If I'm really lucky I'll have them to show off at the meeting, but
work might interfere.

### adam
* 2019 financial report: jaromil & manuela poked. expected before next
* (gl) Thank you!

## New Business

### golinux
* How workable is xfce in chimaera? Does clearlooks-phenix work OK?
Will need to find someone to execute all the moving parts of the
theme. I can do the colors but just cannot take on integrating it
into all the necessary parts of the theme.
* (fsr) cinnabar and darkpurpy are in chimaera/ceres and are working.
* nuking d1g accounts . . . what did we decide?

### LeePen
* Sorry, not going to make today or next week (moving house). Will be
offline from 21st until I sort out which direction to point the
wireless point-to-point broadband dish!
* Done some work on the amprolla hangs: related to failures in the
downloading code when network is flaky.
* New packages in ceres: sysvinit, dnscrypt-proxy, pdns-recursor and iwd
(thanks jobbautista9).

### plasma41
* What's the status of eudev? My understanding is that the 3.1 release
isn't out yet because we're waiting on eudev. What is the issue with
eudev that we're waiting to be fixed? Could someone fill me in?
* dbus in Beowulf is a CVE-fixing update behind dbus in Buster.



This is fixed in beowulf-proposed updates, but that looks like it
won't be pushed to beowulf until the 3.1 release. Should we wait until
then or would it be prudent to migrate it now?

### mason
* Do we have a formal security apparatus and/or someone we could get
into the OSS distributions list?
* https://oss-security.openwall.org/wiki/mailing-lists/distros

### adam
* with some initial support from mason, investigate Devuan membership
into the Linux distribtuion security contacts list. membership


## New Actions
* The Equinox is coming on Tuesday (and darkness falls literally and