Autor: golinux Data: 2020-09-05 06:21 -000 Para: dng Assunto: Re: [DNG] Can this drive be saved?
On 2020-09-04 22:26, Simon Walter wrote: > On 9/5/20 11:19 AM, golinux@??? wrote:
>> On 2020-09-04 20:46, Simon Walter wrote:
>>> On 9/5/20 1:34 AM, Andreas Messer wrote:
>>>> Hi golinux,
>>>> On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 01:50:07AM -0500, golinux@??? wrote:
>>>>> On 2020-09-01 00:07, golinux@??? wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> I have no idea how reliable the repaired drive is after this
>>>>> radical
>>>>> surgery. Can it be written to or files deleted? Should I even try?
>>>>> [...]
>>>> I wouldn't use a drive anymore which has started reallocating
>>>> sectors, well which has reallocated sectors all.
>>> It's on it's way out for sure.
>>> However, I am interested in how you are able to know that sectors on
>>> golinux's disk have been relocated - from the information provided to
>>> this mailing list. I know it's possible to see that in the SMART
>>> data,
>>> but I didn't see that posted. Are short reads always surface errors?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Simon
>> Simon . . . SMART data attached. I hadn't noticed this before . . .
>> sounds ominous . . .
>> SMART Status command failed: scsi error medium or hardware error
>> (serious)
>> Note that I ran this from GSmartControl not a terminal.
> I think it's because you are connected via USB. From my experience,
> the best way, possibly the only thorough way, to diagnose a SATA disk
> drive is connected to a SATA controller directly, which is why I
> really like notebooks that have eSATA ports.
My board doesn't have an eSATA port. Neither does the new dock but at
least it is USB 3.0. Current enclosures are 2.0 . . .
> I have gotten this error over USB before. When connecting the same
> disk to a known working SATA controller, I was able to use it fine and
> no errors occurred. USB -> SATA controllers/cases in my experience are
> of poor quality and fail before the disk does. I am not one to hang on
> to a failing disk, but you sound thorough. So I'd suggest using a SATA
> controller to read the SMART data and run other diagnostics.
Exploring an eSATA controller is an adventure for another day . . .
> If you are a data hoarder and like disks, I'd suggest getting your
> hands on some hardware that has a SATA controller. It doesn't need to
> be fancy or new. Pretty much any working desktop is fine.
You're suggesting the disks get tested in the case itself, right? Like
any hardwarephobe, that's something I really, REALLY don't like to do.
> In your SMART data:
> Reallocated_Sector_Ct = 1
> However:
> SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
> Reallocation, to my knowledge, should happen in the background. It's
> *possible* that the reallocation event and the FS corruption are
> unrelated.
I'll keep an eye on that though I won't be accessing this disk often
once it gets trimmed down and some additional files written to it. You
probably noticed from the log that it doesn't even have 100 hours or run
time on it.
> If that count keeps going up, don't use the disk. Eventually the
> surface will not be able to store data/be magnetised.