Autor: golinux Data: 2020-09-04 20:03 -000 Para: Andreas Messer CC: dng Assunto: Re: [DNG] Can this drive be saved?
On 2020-09-04 11:34, Andreas Messer wrote: > Hi golinux,
> On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 01:50:07AM -0500, golinux@??? wrote:
>> On 2020-09-01 00:07, golinux@??? wrote:
>> [...]
>> I have no idea how reliable the repaired drive is after this radical
>> surgery. Can it be written to or files deleted? Should I even try?
>> [...]
> I wouldn't use a drive anymore which has started reallocating
> sectors, well which has reallocated sectors all.
> During manufacturing the drive, it can happen that some sectors are
> bad,
> but these sectors are already "reallocated" during the manufacturing
> end
> test and will not show up in the SMART information. When a magnetic
> disc
> drive starts reallocating sectors, it is an indicator that something
> within drive starts to be become bad/broken. (Or even has been from the
> beginning of its live) There is a high chance, that one will observe
> more
> and more reallocations. And this is a guarantee for data loss.
> Just for the record: The magnetic drives in my 24/7 NAS are
> starting/stopping about 5 to 10 times a day (standby), according to
> these drives now have roughly 15k start/stops and about 7k power
> on hours: They don't have a single reallocated sector.
> If you can afford it, I would suggest you to replace it.
> cheers,
> Andreas
Andreas . . . it's always good to get feedback from those with more
experience than I.
I don't have much confidence in hardware coming right OOTB. Of the items
I've purchased over the years, quite a few have been DOA or failed
shortly thereafter for whatever reason.
This particular drive has no data that is not backed up elsewhere so I
am comfortable experimenting with it a bit as a learning experience.
OTOH, trashing the remaining life it has for no reason wouldn't make
I have some older spares that I can reuse and 2 new 500 GB WD Black
drives waiting to be formatted.