:: Re: [DNG] Can this drive be saved?
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著者: Andreas Messer
日付: 2020-09-04 16:34 -000
To: golinux
CC: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] Can this drive be saved?
Hi golinux,

On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 01:50:07AM -0500, golinux@??? wrote:
> On 2020-09-01 00:07, golinux@??? wrote:
> [...]
> I have no idea how reliable the repaired drive is after this radical
> surgery. Can it be written to or files deleted? Should I even try?
> [...]

I wouldn't use a drive anymore which has started reallocating
sectors, well which has reallocated sectors all.

During manufacturing the drive, it can happen that some sectors are bad,
but these sectors are already "reallocated" during the manufacturing end
test and will not show up in the SMART information. When a magnetic disc
drive starts reallocating sectors, it is an indicator that something
within drive starts to be become bad/broken. (Or even has been from the
beginning of its live) There is a high chance, that one will observe more
and more reallocations. And this is a guarantee for data loss.

Just for the record: The magnetic drives in my 24/7 NAS are
starting/stopping about 5 to 10 times a day (standby), according to SMART
these drives now have roughly 15k start/stops and about 7k power
on hours: They don't have a single reallocated sector.

If you can afford it, I would suggest you to replace it.


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