:: Re: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2020…
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Lähettäjä: viverna
Päiväys: 2020-08-16 18:49 -000
Vastaanottaja: devuan-dev
Aihe: Re: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2020-08-13
B Stack <bgstack15@???> il 16/08/20 alle ore 17:10 ha scritto:
># Devuan meet 2020-08-13 @20:30 UTC
>Present: LeePen, Adam, bgstack15, rrq, golinux, fsr, Rick Moen
>## New Business
> * Init Freedom inJector - What's the verdict?
>    * (LeePen) I am not convinced it is the way to go. But I am open to
>      be persuaded…
>    * (gl) I am not lobbying either way. I haven't a clue how it works.
>      Just want discussion if it might be useful.

Hello folks, I'm the author of IFJ.
This script was a first attempt to meet the needs of guaranteeing init

Not all developers can grant support of all init system and with Debian
maintainers the only one supported is systemd.

The idea was: inject script (runit, sysvinit, other..) or config file
(epoch, other...) into all packages.

But IFJ making package with an "hack" (dpkg-deb) and alter package in a
dangerous way modifying script in p{re,ost}{inst,rm}.

However if you find a way to inject init script and forking all packages
involved is ok. The problem is: Devuan have a workforce for forking all
packages infected?

Best strategy maybe plans to do this:
- making an initsystem package (binary and main script file)
- making an initsystem package-data (a set of all script file for all
- installing a daemon activate a dpkg trigger: copy script/configfile -
edit file
- removing a daemon activate a dpkg trigger: remove script/configfile -
edit file

Need making 2*number of init system that Devuan support.
Package X remove support for init script sysvinit? No problem! Package
is not forked. sysvinit-data has all initscript.
Package X installed? A trigger install init script.
Package X removed? A trigger remove init script.

I'm not expert to make packages, but I make package for epoch and
epoch-data (a few daemon available of course).

It was published in the old devuan gitlab. Next days import both
projects in new gitea store. Maybe can be useful.

< Viverna >
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