:: Re: [DNG] Zoom?
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Szerző: Haines Brown
Dátum: 2020-08-05 19:39 -000
Címzett: dng
Új témák: Re: [DNG] Zoom? Rather not...
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Zoom?
On Tue, Aug 04, 2020 at 01:34:59PM +0100, ael wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 03, 2020 at 07:58:26PM -0400, Haines Brown wrote:
> > I've been relying on zoom on a laptop runnding debian. But there's a
> > problem with it and I want to install zoom on beowulf 3.
> >
> > But there's no zoom in the beowulf repository. Do I have to download
> > debian's zoom .deb?

I've enjoyed and benefitted from this discussion, and I thank one and

I've installed the .deb file on my bewowulf 3 deskotop. It seems like
it would work. I'll give it try next time ther is a zoom meeting.

Incidenttally is there a public site that one can use to test zoom?

I gave up trying to install zoom in on an old ASCII machine
because all the dependencies.

I understand the security advantages of using zoom on a laptop not
much used for anything else. I suppose the sercurity conern is files
being accessible to intruders. Someone made the interesting suggestion
of settin up a new account just for zoom. What is wrong with this?
Could zoom be used to access files not owned by user?

I should mention the the problem running zoom on my laptop (Thknkpad
X250). After a short shile (a few minutes) I loose outgoing sound. I
have video and sound in, but sound out out stops. I do nothing to the
machine during the sesison. This happens each time I run zoom. Anyone
have any ideas?

Haines Brown