Skribent: ShadowM00n Dato: 2020-07-28 17:45 -000 Til: Mark Hindley, 499 Emne: [devuan-dev] bug#499: Smokeping service unable to stop/restart
On 2020 Jul 28 11:04, Mark Hindley wrote: > In Devuan this package is used directly from Debian without recompilation. In
> general for packages in that category, the bug reports should go to Debian's BTS
> to be fixed there as the bug will also be present in Debian.
> Please could you report to submit@???? Once you have we can add the
> forwarded bug number/URL here.
I was going to do so, but I don't think this actually affects Debian.
I wanted to be sure before filing a bug with them, so I set up two VMs,
one with stock Buster and one with stock Beowulf, both installed from
netinstall images and without a DE. I found that despite the init files
being identical (confirmed with md5sum) and the versions of both
packages being 2.7.3-2 (confirmed with dpkg -s smokeping | grep
Version), the behaviour is not -- the service actually stops correctly
on Debian and fails to stop on Beowulf. I took a side-by-side screenshot
showcasing all of this for reference. I can include it if it's deemed
useful, though I'm not sure it is beyond merely confirming what I just
I am now uncertain how accurate my earlier analysis was given that the
Debian system worked without my fix. Any suggestions on what else should
be looked at?