:: [devuan-dev] bug#495: bug#495: Pack…
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Autor: Mark Hindley
Data: 2020-07-23 14:02 -000
Para: Vernon Van Steenkist, 495
Assunto: [devuan-dev] bug#495: bug#495: Package: connman sysvint script disables DNS lookups when resolvconf package installed
Control: tags -1 debian

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 04:50:56PM -0400, Vernon Van Steenkist wrote:
> Package: connman
> Version: 1.36-2 i386
> Beowulf connman 1.36-2 i386 sysvinit script conflicts with resolvconf 1.79 packa
> ge leaving the system in a state unable to do DNS lookups.


Many thanks for this. Devuan does not fork connman and we use Debian's packages
directly. Please report this directly to Debian's BTS.

