著者: RhineDevil 日付: To: Bernard Rosset CC: devuan developers internal list 題目: Re: [devuan-dev] LXC Mantainership Devuan Team + question for Greg
Fri, 26 Jun 2020 01:44:05 +0200 Bernard Rosset <bernard+devuan@???>: > > I'd like to make a pkg-lxc devuan team too, including Greg Olsen and whoever wants to contribute, with the objective of merging all branches/fixes and having a fully-working devuan template submitted to the upstream repo + mantainment of devuan package
> I modestly contributed to one of the forks of Greg Olsen's repo (the one
> of Daniel Abrecht, to be precise) mid-2018, but I'm a total newbie on LXC.
> Although I probably won't be useful, I'm interested in veering away from
> the Docker de facto monopoly, hence learning about LXC.
> Count me in if you do not see that as a disturbance...
> Bernard (Beer) Rosset
> https://rosset.net/ > _______________________________________________
> devuan-dev internal mailing list
> devuan-dev@???
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devuan-dev Seen your fix rn, was merged into Olsen lxc template by katolaz apparently