著者: Mark Hindley 日付: To: RhineDevil CC: devuan developers internal list 題目: Re: [devuan-dev] Management of LXC-templates
On Wed, Jul 01, 2020 at 03:21:45PM +0200, RhineDevil wrote: > > Mark
> Could you tell me if the package is good enough to ship ehrr being moved to
> devuan namespace and being merged into devuan repo?
I had left a note for you on #devuan-irc.
Yes, much better. Just a couple of things:-
- Changelog should reference unstable rather than beowulf.
- d/control should have 'Origin: Devuan' either before or after the Vcs-*
Also (but not cruicial now) the Standards and debhelper versions are really old
(run lintian and you will see the warnings). Fancy updating them?