:: [devuan-dev] bug#479: xcfe4-power-m…
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Lähettäjä: Mark Hindley
Päiväys: 2020-06-18 08:55 -000
Vastaanottaja: POD
Kopio: Michaela Merz, 479
Aihe: [devuan-dev] bug#479: xcfe4-power-manager: Can't configure laptop lid
On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 12:05:02PM -0500, POD wrote:
>    Hi Mark,
>    Did fresh install, toggling logind-handle-lid-switch to false does
>    produce the correct suspend action.
>    Previously was upgraded from ASCII

That is really useful information, thanks.


This confirms that the fix I suggested does work. However, in your case I
believe you upgraded from ascii.

Could you check the version of upower you have installed? You need to manually
upgrade it from ascii to beowulf as documented in the Upgrade Notes[1].

ascii upower version is 1:0.9.23-2+devuan1.3 whereas beowulf has 0.99.10-1. This
looks like a downgrade to apt because of the loss of the epoch ('1:'). However,
it is really an upgrade (compare the rest of the version). Also see bug #394[2]
Something like

apt-get install --allow-downgrades upower/beowulf gir1.2-upowerglib/beowulf

should achieve what you need.

Does having the correct beowulf version of upower allow setting
logind-handle-lid-switch to false to restore the behaviour you expect?



[1] https://devuan.org/os/documentation/dev1fanboy/en/upgrade-to-beowulf
[2] https://bugs.devuan.org/394