:: Re: [DNG] Orange Pi Zero/Orange Pi …
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Auteur: Rick Moen
Date: 2020-06-12 11:41 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] Orange Pi Zero/Orange Pi PC
Quoting richard lucassen (mailinglists@???):

> Yes and no:
> -n  Use SNTP (old RFC 2030, currently RFC 5905) instead of  the  RFC
>     868 time protocol.

> # rdate -n ntp.xs4all.nl
> Fri Jun 12 12:07:04 CEST 2020

Point taken. SNTP _is_ worthy of respect -- but I'd personally rather
have and use full NTP tools, and, given that the later are around and
standard, I don't also need one that does just SNTP (or that plus RFC
868 Time Protocol).