:: [DNG] Successful beowulf install in…
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Autor: spiralofhope
Data: 2020-06-07 06:11 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: [DNG] Successful beowulf install in VirtualBox
I succesfully installed Devuan:

devuan_beowulf_3.0.0_amd64 guest
on VirtualBox 6.0.20-137117
on Windows 10 host

This replaces Debian:

Debian 10.1.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1 guest
on VirtualBox 6.0.22-137980
on Windows 10 host


I have no complaints with my installation, including nuances available
only through the VirtualBox "Guest Additions" (shared folders,
copy-paste, dual screens).

One minor issue is that it does not resize into my full desktop
resolution when I fullscreen, but I don't care.

Fine work guys!

I had an intermittent audio hiccup issue under Debian 10.1.0-amd64
which I have yet to reproduce under Devuan.


Note that I had persistent issues using other versions of VirtualBox
which were solved with the specific version/build "6.0.20-137117":


e.g. for Windows host:



Notes and troubleshooting:
