:: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes from 202…
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Autor: Mason Loring Bliss
Fecha: 2020-06-02 17:32 -000
A: devuan developers internal list
Temas nuevos: Re: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes from 2020-05-28
Asunto: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes from 2020-03-26
# Devuan meet 2020-05-28 @20:30 UTC

Present: plasma41, jaromil, golinux, rrq, fsr, bgstack15, LeePen,
Missing: onefang, mason

## Old Business

### fsmithred
* live-iso booted from dvd does not load all modules. Adding code to
  rc.local to stop and start eudev fixes it, but "restart" does not.
  (Boot from usb or boot dvd to ram has no problem.)
  * (plasma41) So it only fails within a read-only environment? After
    booting from usb, does the filesystem on the usb get written to?
    (fsr) No, it's always read-only (isohybrid to usb). Anything written
    is just in ram.
* Put workaround in rc.local or devoted init script?
  https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?pid=22127#p22127 Or maybe we find
  and actually fix the problem.

### mason
* Ducking out for a bit. I need to get TWiki done for personal projects
and once I've packaged it or gotten a deployment procedure together,
I'll share that. Same with GNU Mailman 3. Frankly, I've been starved
for time and have lots of projects suffering, so it'll be a net
improvement not having to report resource starvation weekly. Better to
just spring something fully formed when it's ready. I'll be cutting
back participation online, but I'll remain in #devuan-dev in case I
can be useful for anything. (And of course we continue to run Devuan
on desktop systems here.)

### rrq
* reporting for bpmedley, who has re-run iso building with the corrected
"magic touch" which addresses the failed wifi firmware loading problem
of certain hardware. Ideally this collection can be published as "the
release", barring the discovery of some significant flaw. That would
allow iso building to focus on the point release to incorporate the
current versions of updated packages. afaik bpmedley and LeePen aree
teeing up on that already.
* (rrq) has been tied up in infrastructure rebalancing of the VMs and
their mirroring.
* (rrq) returning to gitea; needing to redo and update its set up.

## Old Actions

## New Business
* Jaromil has been in communication with Parrot OS, who is offering to
  serve Devuan contents on their CDN: http://devuan.parrot.sh/
* (gl) Financial report for web.  Please?!
* Discussion about should the gitlab -> gitea migration include a
  migration of the issues, wikis, etc. that can exist per-repository.
  * conclusion: use the Debian Bug Tracker system going forward, so we
    don't have multiple locations for discussing bugs, as well as users
    probably will come across the binary package names and not the
    source package names that are the git repos.
  * bgs15 will investigate how the issues are currently stored in
    gitlab, to check on level of effort for the migration.
    * in particular,
      contains historical artwork that should be preserved, per golinux

### palinuro
* geodns: dns platform that returns the ip addresses of the nearest
servers from user's geoip data. it is a good replacement to the
current round-robin setup
* mirror director: http redirection platform to redirect the users to
the nearest iso or deb mirror available. it takes in consideration the
location of the server, the location of the user, the availability of
the file on the mirror (no dead links caused by outdated mirrors) and
takes care of mirror offload
* (onefang) Is how it works and what it does documented somewhere?
* (jrml) I'm in touch about this with palinuro, so far there is a test
install here and he'll pack a docker setup to try

### LeePen
* Ceres/Chimaera: new versions of init-system-helpers, debootstrap,
util-linux, udisks2, procps, pdns-recursor, reportbug and
* pkginfo: indexing of chimaera suites enabled, although still disabled
on html form. Enter cgi url manually to test.

## New Actions
* 3.0.0 release (!!)
* announcement
* 2019 financial report
* gitea migration
* mailinglist migration
* study server load, profile and optimize maybe
https://dev1galaxy.org/other/infra/loads2.html mostly gitlab, amprolla
and dak - jrml ask parazyd to have a look

Mason Loring Bliss (( If I have not seen as far as others, it is because
mason@??? )) giants were standing on my shoulders. - Hal Abelson