著者: tuxd3v 日付: 2020-05-16 21:04 -000 To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Felker Init: was without-systemd.org not working
Citando Steve Litt <slitt@???>:
> It's such a shame. Runit and s6 were both there, waiting to be picked
> up and used. Both were 10 times easier than sysvinit. But noooooooo.
All init systems that want to be taken seriously, need to accept also
the system language..
As I understand, and was also recognized by s6 creator at devuan conference,
s6 *cannot* run a script made in shell script( the systems language.. )
Maybe you think at it like been a superfluous thing,
But is a major flaw, being it a init system for a operating system,
and not beign able to run shell scripts( systemd has also this
limitation.. )..