:: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes: 2020-05…
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Skribent: Mason Loring Bliss
Til: devuan developers internal list
Gamle-emner: Re: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes: 2020-04-30
Emne: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes: 2020-05-07
# Devuan meet 2020-05-07 20:30 UTC

Meet here: https://vdc.dyne.org/devuan
  * Please post notes prior to the meet.
  * Please add your name as 'Present' below when you get to the meet.
  * When adding a comment in someone else's notes, please pre-pend your
    name like this: (whoever) whatever . . .

Present: golinux, mason, LeePen, fsr, plasma41, jaromil, Adam, rrq,
RickMoen, bgstack15

## Old Business
* (fsmithred) Post(s) on forum about packaging guide.

## Old Actions
* (golinux) Sent several emails to jaromil that received an
acknowledgment but no substantive response regarding migration of
devuan mail lists and reassigning tasks that I have been doing for
* (golinux) Related to the above since the spam gatekeeper is
"retiring". . . the git.d.o signing page content has been updated and
changes made to the registration process. All registrations are now
manual on request. This is possible because there are so few and it
eliminates having to delete the nearly daily spammers that aren't
caught by the gdo-goodies script. So less administrative work and
aggravation to do it that way.
* (mason) TWiki still pending.

## New Business

### various
* mailman3, sympa worth considering
  * (jaromil) MailMan3 REST API might make for a good system to enable
    easier moderation for volunteers doing this

### LeePen
* britney/dak now emails maintainer when package migration occurs.
* parazyd has offered new native arm* buildhosts.
* chimaera package bug about init scripts removed more attention on
other packages: xfce4, util-linux...

#### ceres/chimaera
* [#439](https://bugs.devuan.org/439) indicates that pdns-recursor has
  had its initscript removed in sid and requires forking.
  * (mason) pdns-recursor is packaged for FreeBSD, suggesting that there
    is no innate dependency on systemd
* Updated rsyslog, xfce4-session. Working on util-linux.
* amesser updated apt and tomcat9. There has since been another apt
  update in sid.

### rrq
* bpmedley uploaded the trial beta3 isos; I expect to publish them at
the weekend
*- do we promote these to RC (unless something is lacking)?
* repurposed a VM ("veritas") for onefang's 3rd apt-panopticon monitor;
* a slight rebalancing on the ganeti platform
* probably want to discuss some minor changes to Devuan's DNS

### bgstack15
* [#438](https://bugs.devuan.org/438) would be solved by backporting the
  devuan patch for the Ceres lightdm package (file
  pam/lightdm-gtk-greeter) to Beowulf lightdm package. Need a team
  discussion to learn how to handle requests like this.
  * Relevant info: base version of application is the same: 1.26.0, but
    on package revision 4 instead of 7 like Ceres. (LeePen) My
    suggestion is to build this and the accessibility bus fix as
    1.26.0-4+devuan1 for beowulf-proposed-updates and include it in an
    early point release. I am reluctant to change the release package at
    this late stage. The workaround is documented in the release notes.
    But maybe I am being over-cautious?

### fsmithred
* pcalvert found a solution to the repeated udev warnings at boot.
Editing /etc/lvm/lvm.conf in the initrd.img to disconnect lvm from
udev works. https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Custom_Initramfs#LVM
* No mouse, no keyboard on desktop. This happens a lot. How do I fix it?

### golinux
* Website restructuring well underway. I am working off of the middleman
output for devuan.org that rrq so kindly captured and sent to me.
There was a massive purge of stale entries especially in the /os/
directories and renaming of some files. The few pertinent files from
those directories were moved to /os
* The green buttons on the sticky bar are now joined when the page width
is reduced https://transfersh.com/8vdY9/green-buttons-joined.png . The
decorative square of the \<h1> now zooms properly
https://transfersh.com/140nam/keyring-screenie.png and the dyne image
in the footer has been repositioned inline. Only remaining task is
beer's fix for removing the javascript from the sticky bar.
* You might have noticed from those screenshots that the keyring page
has been rewritten/updated thanks to rrq
* all this work has been possible thanks to rrq's hobby-http.lsp and
humancss.lsp now available at
https://git.devuan.org/ralph.ronnquist/newlisp-ftw which serves
webpages locally at http://localhost:10080/
* After this restructuring, the css will still be a mess but at least in
a single human-readable file. I'll peck away at removing obsolete
rules (discourse etc) possibly with some input from Xenguy who is more
current than I.
* Hoping to get an alpha to rrq by this weekend so he can set up a new
branch on git www and connect it to the net for testing/review.

### jaromil
* long time no see ;^) all good
* financial report 2019 https://cloud.dyne.org/s/w6fDjZHYZwZ2Etp (gl)
Thanks for this. Please send version to post on the website.
* I think I'll follow mason on the mailman3 experimentation
* console access on the OVH to be shared with rrq
* communicate with nextime about removing the * wildcard from dns rrq
mentioned problems caused by it

### adam
* discovering devuan packaging then release process, starting with
* discovering state of PXE install (x86_64 preseed now working, arm?)
* UEFI on RPi offers interesting harmonization of netboot/ PXE boot
across laptops & pis at https://rpi4-uefi.dev/ See also upstream
* (mason) Thank you! This will be useful!

## New Actions

## Next week's pad:
* https://pad.dyne.org/code/#/2/code/edit/9ounrL28ZT6qN9P5HhTxCQNG/

Mason Loring Bliss   ((  "In the drowsy dark cave of the mind dreams
mason@???     ))  build  their nest  with fragments  dropped
http://blisses.org/  ((   from day's caravan." - Rabindranath Tagore