Control: retitle -1 lxc-start and lxc-execute cause segfault started by non-root without libpam-cgfs
Control: severity -1 minor
Hi Mark, Thanks again for your attention and response.
> Is this different behaviour than when running on a Debian host? Devuan doesn't
> fork lxc and uses Debian's packages directly.
I have never seen this. What I saw on Debian and Ubuntu was
which was unusable but not a segfault.
> Does your unprivileged user have write access to cgroups? That appears to be a
> common cause of this from a quick internet search.
The cause was that I did not install libpam-cgfs package.
You are welcome to close this, though this seems a minor bug to me.
I have no idea if this is an upstream issue.
Best regards, Ryutaroh