Skribent: Hendrik Boom Dato: 2020-05-09 15:13 -000 Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] A way of holding telephone-conferences with DEVUAN?
On Fri, May 08, 2020 at 11:53:25PM -0500, Rod Rodolico wrote: >
> No, it does not block any browser. But, it will not work as well (or at
> all) with some. I've tested it so far with FF, Safari, Chromium, Chrome,
> Pale Moon and IE.
> Chrome/Chromium - works consistently all the time > FF -- it works for some, and not for others (I've had no problems). I've been unable to get other sites to access my camera & microphone.
There's thie permissions problem. I can get as far in configuration that I
find a list of sites authorised to do this. But it's empty. It also gives me
a list of sites that have asked for access, so I can click on one and give ti
permission. This is also empty, even though I'm currently on a site that needs
them, There seems to be no way of typng in a URL. I gave up.
> Safari - (one machine) was pretty FUBAR. Gave up.
> IE -- see Safari
> Pale Moon -- it could not figure out where my camera/microphone were
Would that be a problem with Pale Moon? Does pale Moon otherwise know how to
find camera or microphone?
> I did not test Edge, but assume it would work ok since the engine is the
> same as Chrome, from what I understand (my main interaction with Edge is
> disabling it on client machines).
> Rod