:: Re: [DNG] Waterfox issues under Dev…
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Autor: Riccardo Mottola
Fecha: 2020-05-08 13:59 -000
A: aitor_czr, dng
Temas nuevos: [DNG] Arctic Fox name, [DNG] DNG] Waterfox issues under Devuan ASCII
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Waterfox issues under Devuan ASCII

aitor_czr wrote:
> Tar is installed by default in the core system of devuan (first and
> second stages of debootstrap.
> In any case, i started working on my own minimalist browser. It's not
> a joke:
> http://www.gnuinos.org/screenshots/Screenshot_2020-04-11_18-14-41.png
> At least, i only need a few features like management for my bookmarks
> and ability to have
> several websites opened at the same time in different tabs. And no
> much more... The less addons,
> the more minimalism.
> But i wonder if libwebkitgtk-1.0 (compatible with Gtk2) will survive
> the passing of time and dbus.

interesting. I drop a line for ArcticFox then, since I am currently its
main contributor.

A very much improved fork of PaleMoon 27 which is quite lighweight and
I am working quite a bit with it on Devuan amd64 ascii - works quite
well for myself.

1GB of RAM about needed, but to build 2GB suggested.

amd64 works well, intel Centrino/Core "minimum"

If someone is interested.. I can use also some help, no tot hijack this
thread I can open a separate on

- gtk2 backend
- gcc 6.5 bound currently (starting from 4.8....)
- Pentium3 cpu not supported (!) it builds, but crashes without
SSE2/SSE3, which is a Pity, debianhas FF52 which runs (slow) on
older/stranger i386!

hackers wanted, especially with FF/Gecko experience.

Official: https://github.com/wicknix/Arctic-Fox/
Development fork/branch: https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox
