:: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Ap…
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著者: Plasma
To: devuan-dev
題目: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Apr. 09, 2020
And now for your kind attention, the devuan-dev meet notes for
Thursday, April 9th, 2020.



# Devuan meet Apr. 09, 2020 @20:30 UTC

Pad is here:

Meet here: https://vdc.dyne.org/devuan
   * Please post notes prior to the meet.
   * Please add your name as 'Present' below when you get to the
   * When adding a comment in someone else's notes, please
     pre-pend your name like this: (whoever) whatever . . .

Present: rrq, mason, golinux, fsr, LeePen, plasma (in spirit), Beer

## Old Business

## Old Actions
- still no success adapting Beer's solution to remove the javascript
sticky bar

## New Business

### yeti
- Please think about making a version leap by adding 7 (after beowulf).
  Debian and Devuan release numbers would match then and except for the
  one time confusion at the time of this change it would make things
  easier, especially when discussing stuff crossing the Debian/Devuan
  border. How often did you need to explain Devuan3 ≈ Debian10 already?
  Let's stop this unneccesary version mismatch confusion.
    - (gl) yeti . . . what have you been smoking?
  Training to be rude now?
    - When the occasion demands.  ;)
    - (bgs15) This is a worthy idea and deserves discussion when the
      time comes for it. Plus would solve some version comparison issues
    - (rrq) .. worthwile when it becomes needed.

### LeePen

#### ceres/chimaera updates
- New fork of apt without libsystemd0 dependency
(kudos and thanks to amesser).
- parazyd wants to take on fork of opernrc.
- Also updated debootstrap, sysvinit, colord and dbus.

#### Jenkins
Working on a new declarative pipeline job for building packages.
I anticipate this will have a number of advantages, in particular:
- Single job for all package builds allowing easier reconfiguration.
- Include version and suite in build name.

### kramer
- sorry, cant attend again, had to leave the city where I live in,
next week I will take part of the Meeting again
- stay healthy my friends!

### plasma41
- Fun fact: If you run a Devuan system with packages from multiple
  releases installed simultaneously, one of the unsupported behaviours
  you may experience is a partial update that kicks off two errors every
  millisecond getting logged to ~/.xsession-errors.
  - Fun subfact: The ~/.xsession-errors file can grow to 600 GB
    alarmingly quickly.
    - Fun subsubfact: I probably still haven't learned my lesson about
      using unsupported system configurations. :-P
      - (mason) ln -s /dev/null ~/.xsession-errors - fixed!
- `rsyslog` is a Devuan-forked package. So why does it still
  specifically depend on `libsystemd0`? Haven't we been replacing
  `libsystemd0` dependencies in our forked packages with
  `default-logind | logind`? (Or am I conflating `elogind0` with
  - (fsr) rsyslog depends on libsystemd0|libelogind0

### rrq
- testing iso's (with bpmedley); making it understand beowulf-security
turned into "a thing". (rsn)

### mason
- Looking at wiki software, potentially for future use by Devuan -
  hence, looking for what would be generally acceptable here
  - https://www.getlektor.com/
    - https://packages.debian.org/buster/lektor
  - https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki
    - https://packages.debian.org/buster/dokuwiki
  - https://www.flatpress.org/ (uses php)
  - https://trac.edgewall.org/
    - https://packages.debian.org/buster/trac
- Agitating for PPAs
  - encourage people to build and share
  - normalize key distribution for these things
  - centralize documentation for these things
    - (gl) Find someone to curate/vet the ppas
    - hierarchical wiki might help to address documentation - think
      "user pages"

## New Actions