> > ..yeah still need to debug that and look at the n_gsm data logs.
> OK pushed out the changes for making sending and receiving sms to
> work [0][1]. So this is with motorolamodem receiving sms, and qmimodem
> sending out the sms.
> Merlijn, not sure if you can already do that, but sending MMS might
> also now work :)
Fun.. so.. there's something very wrong there. Like incoming call
being delayed till I try to dial out outgoing call. Unfortunately
motmdm is very different from normal AT semantics.
Plus fun does not end it with reboot. Would it make sense to
powercycle the GSM during the boot?
Or is there way to force GSM on/off during runtime to get
Ouch and some good news too -- it seems usb networking is usable with
Linux devuan 5.7.0-rc2-next-20200420-00004-ge0147803414f . I hope it
is not because of some subtle effect, like battery charge...
Best regards,
(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures) http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/picture/horses/blog.html