Skribent: Mark Hindley Dato: 2020-04-18 17:33 -000 Til: Andreas Messer, 172, devuan developers internal list CC: 172-submitter Emne: [devuan-dev] bug#172: bug#172: apt-get dist-upgrade or aptitude
full-upgrade on VM with Default-Release set to ascii results in attempt to
update kernel to ceres version
On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 06:11:04PM +0200, Andreas Messer wrote: > I believe the problem is more related to devuan
> repository structure than to libapt-pkg5.0. Maybe security
> updates need to be put in subfolders, such that libapt
> can detect the archive/release properly.
> I prefer to close this issue since it is not directly
> related to libapt and also for ascii, apt is taken unchanged
> from Debian repos.
I think that is fine unless it can be demonstrated it is a current issue.