:: Re: [DNG] Current state of VPN soft…
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Autor: Rod Rodolico
Fecha: 2020-04-08 21:25 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Current state of VPN software ?
This is not what you asked for, but I'll put it in anyway. I use vpn
appliance distro's for my clients. I either use OPNSense (powerful, more
difficult to configure) or IPFire (still pretty good, but simple to
configure). I just download the software, install on a device, then
configure. Been doing it for a while so it usually only takes me an hour
or so from boot to done.

I like "appliance distro's" for some things, simply for efficiency. I
have some "howto's" on kb.unixservertech.com, or feel free to contact me
offline if you choose to go this route and need some help.


On 4/8/20 3:14 PM, Simon Hobson wrote:
> It's been a while since I last did anything with VPNs on Linux, and I recall there being 3 options, some of which were "less well supported" than others. I'm looking to setup a site-site tunnel so I can remotely access stuff at mum's (she's in isolation because of this Covid 19 stuff) and using remote desktop control, connect her Mac to a video call.
> So what's the state of play in the VPN on Linux world - both ends would be running Devuan (one end an AMD64 VM, the other end rPi) ? Last thing I used was OpenVPN which AIUI is completely non-interoperable with anything else, while FreeSwan and OpenSwan were having a bun fight.
> Simon
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Rod Rodolico
Daily Data, Inc.
POB 140465
Dallas TX 75214-0465 US