:: Re: [Bricolabs] STWST48x6 MORE LESS…
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Autor: Jean-Noël Montagné
Datum: 2020-03-16 21:24 -000
To: Rob van Kranenburg, Maria Euler
CC: Bricolabs
Betreff: Re: [Bricolabs] STWST48x6 MORE LESS open call
yes... go !


Le 16/03/2020 à 21:58, Rob van Kranenburg a écrit :
> Jean -Noël,
> Edgeryders is a good public place. To discuss this and get it. Going. The timing is. perfect,
> Au boulot! Rob
>> Op 16 mrt. 2020, om 21:46 heeft Maria Euler <maria.euler.art@???> het volgende geschreven:
>> Yes, certainly. We are very interested in postcapitalist ideas and also discussing how the current crisis could or.should.have transformative long lasting effects.
>> The discussion would be welcome on the platform.
>> On Mon, 16 Mar 2020, 21:38 Rob van Kranenburg, <kranenbu@??? <mailto:kranenbu@xs4all.nl>> wrote:
>> Maria,
>> Could this go on Edgeryders?
>> Greetings, Rob
>>> Op 16 mrt. 2020, om 21:26 heeft Jean-Noël Montagné <jnm@??? <mailto:jnm@autistici.org>> het volgende geschreven:
>>> hello all bricofolks,
>>> Excuse-me if I find this thema "more or less" very shy, and very conservative. The problem is not more or less capitalism, more or less regulation, more or less ecology. The problem is not how to repair or adapt capitalism, like suggests " More or Less" topic, but how to STOP this non-sense, how to change radically, in a peacefull way, the actual destructive global path, to go to a real sustainable new world, in the context of the climate changes/collapse and all side-effects.
>>> I would prefer instead a call for radical events, projects, radical thinking, radical transformaking, ruptures. We don't have a lot of time until things get uncontrolable, may be 10 years. If we don't act more deeply now, and invest in the good directions in this relative peacefull times, we will not have the possibility to do it during a deeper collapse.
>>> Ars Electronica has always been a business event for innovation, granted by transnational companies, and it appears more and more obscene to waste so much money for high-class attendees, with almost no effects on the rest of the world, excepting producing glossy paper catalogs for dusty shelves. Few kilometers close to Linz, hundred thousands of refugees wait in terror and despair.
>>> In my opinion, a good general topic for the september event could be " How to definitively close Ars electronica festival this year, and invent gatherings with real effects on people, global and local, in decentralized ways"
>>> cheers,
>>> JN
>>> Le 16/03/2020 à 13:14, Shu Lea Cheang a écrit :
>>>> Dear Bricolabs
>>>> At this viral time, we at STWST call out for proposal submission, MORE LESS...our 6 edition of 48 hour extravaganza taling place in september.
>>>> In shut down mode, take care.
>>>> sl
>>>> 11-13th Sept 2020
>>>> In the year 2020, STWST has developed the STWST48 theme for the disproportionately tilted worlds or excess and scarcity: STWST48x6 MORE LESS.
>>>> With MORE and LESS we ask relevant questions about /more-or-less/ situations, the non-equality areas, the counter-validity zones and the non-zero-sum games of the future.
>>>> *MORE*
>>>> Against the background of screaming imbalances, distribution struggles, scarcity of resources, ecological barriers, social issues, questions of access, fears of the future, attempts at redistribution, visions of self-restraint, precarious awareness, egalitarianism, hyper-progress, network fantasies, total surveillance, a scenery of the many against the few; the battle of avant-garde, critical mass and centre-extremists. In front of all these apparent and actual questions of more or less,we want to use STWST48x6 MORE LESS to focus on processes and projects that make a difference.
>>>> *LESS*
>>>> With processes and projects that make the difference, we want to take a look at the zones of art, nature, information, movement and sound. In doing so, we want to focus primarily on other networks, aesthetic strategies, autonomous policies and alternative metabolites that are driven by questions of more or less - and, above all, driven by OTHER, as a general other way of thinking. We are concerned with the individual and the many in larger systems and we are concerned with rational and irrational approaches to the all and nothing, in larger contexts of world, society and cosmos. Nothing less, and vice versa, in all directions.
>>>> *SEND*
>>>> Stadtwerkstatt is looking for local and international artists and critical producers of all fields, who can submit projects that are still in the process of development, but also finished projects.
>>>> Submissions with a self-description, project description/project concept on a maximum of 5 pages untill 10th May 2020 to stwst48x6opencall@??? <mailto:stwst48x6opencall@stwst.at>
>>>> The selected works will be shown in Stadtwerkstatt at STWST48x6 MORE LESS - a 48-hour non-stop showcase extravaganza of STWST from Sept. 11-13, held in cooperation with Ars Electronica.
>>>> Stadtwerkstatt: Linz/Austria
>>>> https://stwst.at <https://stwst.at/>
>>>> All 48-Hours-Nonstop-Showcase-Extravanganzas: https://stwst48-all.stwst.at <https://stwst48-all.stwst.at/>
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