:: Re: [DNG] What can even possibly go…
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Autor: Dan Purgert
Data: 2020-03-12 21:52 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] What can even possibly go wrong?
On Mar 12, 2020, Simon Hobson wrote:
> Dan Purgert <dan@???> wrote:
> > It's certainly useful in a "campus" environment, where you're quite
> > likely at a different computer all the time (i.e. grabbing whatever is
> > free in the computer lab to print your final paper).
> Isn't the answer there to mount your home dir off it's server on
> whatever machine you are using ? Something perfectly doable since ...
> err ... long before I ever got involved with any unix[like] system..

Maybe I'm crossing up Windowsland terminology ... been quite a while
since I've used it.

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