Autor: Merlijn Wajer Data: A: Pavel Machek, Arthur D., maemo-leste Assumpte: Re: [maemo-leste] Camera on N900 was Re: [PATCH] et8ek8: Support
On 12/03/2020 18:59, Pavel Machek wrote: > Hi!
>> You need to have this line in /etc/apt/sources.list:
>> deb ascii main contrib non-free n900
>> Then do "apt update && apt upgrade" as the root user.
>> If you still have no success, please paste the output of command:
>> apt-cache showpkg linux-image-n900
> Thank you! My sources.list had something different, plus
> hildon-app-manager created another one in sources.list.d, so it was
> very confused.
> So... we now have required kernel parts for camera on Maemo Leste.
> If someone wants to play with it, there are basic instructions at
> >
> . You probably won't get beatiful photos, but so far it looks like
> N900 is the best hardware for photos with open-source camera stacks.
> Best regards,