:: Re: [DNG] FF now defaults to DNS-ov…
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Autor: Rick Moen
Data: 2020-03-08 00:02 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] FF now defaults to DNS-over-HTTPS for US
Quoting Rainer Weikusat via Dng (dng@???):

> But this is not the case. There's nothing which stops users from running
> their own, fully capable resolver locally[*] (or somewhere on a local
> network) and thus, not make a comprehensive browsing history available
> to any third party.

Reminder, I maintain a bestiary of all 'DNS Server (and Related) Software
for Linux' by category, here:

Candidate (maintained) open source recursive resolvers for Linux are:
o bind9 (has baggage; see page)
o Deadwood
o dnscache (from djbdns), if patched to modern standards
o PowerDNS Recursor
o Unbound

For various reasons out of scope here, I would generally recommend
Unbound. (I'm sure Deadwood is really good and competitive, but am
unsure of its packaging status. Disclaimer: Sam Trenholme, author of
Deadwood and MaraDNS, is a friend of mine.)

> [*] Except systemd-resolvd, of course, at that's (reportedly) a stub
> resolver to replace another stub resolver :->.


Cheers,                     "Why doesn't anyone invite copyeditors to parties,
Rick Moen                   when we're such cool people out with whom to hang?"
rick@???                        -- @laureneoneal (Lauren O'Neal)
McQ! (4x80)