:: Re: [DNG] FF now defaults to DNS-ov…
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Autore: Rainer Weikusat
Data: 2020-03-06 21:25 -000
To: dng
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] FF now defaults to DNS-over-HTTPS for US
Steve Litt <slitt@???> writes:
> golinux@??? wrote:
>> Just great! So how can we keep off this cloudflare thing?
>> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/02/25/mozilla_turns_on_dns_over_https_by_default_for_usa/
> "Another relevant question is whether further centralisation [SIC] of
> the internet is, inherently, a bad thing."

This is a wrong question based on a false dichotomy in this article. It
assumes users will always have to use some recursive resolver operated
by some third party, hence, they can only chose between

a) use the servers you got assigned in some environment "which may
include public WiFi" ("Run your life!")

b) use some "trusted DoH provider" (trusted by some other US company to
be good enough for its users, that is)

IOW, that uses will always have to provide a complete history of all
their "web movement" to someone.

But this is not the case. There's nothing which stops users from running
their own, fully capable resolver locally[*] (or somewhere on a local
network) and thus, not make a comprehensive browsing history available
to any third party.

And DoH prevents that. That Google (AFAIK) invented this is certainly
just coincidence.

[*] Except systemd-resolvd, of course, at that's (reportedly) a stub
resolver to replace another stub resolver :->.