:: Re: [Bricolabs] On waste...
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Autor: UKE
Data: 2020-03-03 13:09 -000
Para: Bricolabs, Felipe Schmidt Fonseca
Assunto: Re: [Bricolabs] On waste...
Thanx for the text, lowtechmagazine is a great resource. As the
illustration shows the movement is always circular (thus my skepticism
with so called circular economy or cradle to cradle stand).

What is probably not stressed out is that we are the ones choosing  THE
circle that can:

1. with excess nitrogen from sewage together with agricultural runoffs 
create Dead Zones



that affect aquatic biome and people who depend on it.

2. enrich our soil with our dang and in consequence lessen chemical
production in agriculture, in turn benefiting all the biome at many levels.

(Though, second option doesn't benefit sygenta, dupont and similar.)

Nice to chat! hugs!


On 03. 03. 2020. 11:12, Felipe Schmidt Fonseca wrote:
> Sure, dis-alienating should not only be about knowing where your food
> comes from (organic, community-supported, family-run, ’sustainable’
> production of food), but where your dung goes as well.
> Here’s probably the text I had in mind when I mentioned pre-sewage
> systems. It turns out it was not about London, as I thought (or that
> was a different post, anyways):
> https://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2010/09/recycling-animal-and-human-dung-is-the-key-to-sustainable-farming.html
> Thanks for your thoughts, abraço mano!
> efe
>> On 2 Mar 2020, at 18:39, UKE <udrugauke@???
>> <mailto:udrugauke@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Efe,
>> I am not helping a lot as sewage is clearly not part of your
>> research, but give me one more try as I might tap into systematic
>> crisis here.
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