:: Re: [Bricolabs] On waste...
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Autor: Paula Vélez
Data: 2020-03-01 15:27 -000
A: Bricolabs
Assumpte: Re: [Bricolabs] On waste...
Hello Felipe and Patrice,

good readings.
for the german book, unfortunately it is not possible for me to understand
but it seems very good too.

You probably alrady know this project going on:

What do you think about it?
I found it an immediate important solution for the moment while we think
and try other possibilities.
Even if it is still too much difficult because there is not a collective
action to implement and make it happen massively.
I've being following their process since the first 'cleaning the ocean'
floating engine, and it seems to me
a initiative to support.



El dom., 1 mar. 2020 a las 12:02, Patrice Riemens (<patrice@???>)

> On 2020-03-01 10:54, Felipe Schmidt Fonseca wrote:
> > Hey bricoworld,
> >
> > Here’s some thoughs on waste and reuse. Nothing new for this list,
> > in fact pretty boring stuff. But it’s part of my ongoing research
> > project, so any comments will be welcome.
> >
> > https://is.efeefe.me/opendott/waste-value-and-reuse
> >
> > Beijos,
> >
> Aloha,
> Looks good - going by the pics ;-)
> The definitive book on waste - immo, but in German:
> https://www.vgrass.de/?p=1392
> "Waste is not a substance but a relation"
> "You never get rid of waste, you just move it to somewhere else"
> Ciaoui, p+2D!
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