:: Re: [DNG] my first two packages
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Auteur: viverna
Date: 2020-01-19 17:18 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] my first two packages
il devuanizzato Aitor <aitor_czr@???> il 19-01-20 11:06:26 ha scritto:
>Hi again,
>Here you are my first packaging attempt:
>Download the sources and follow the steps bellow:
>- Create your own gpg signature key.
>- Create a folder named epoch and go into it.
>- Generate an empty git repository and import the project using
>    $ git init
>    $ git config --global user.name "viverna"
>    $ git config --global user.email "viverna@???"
>    $ gpg import-orig ../epoch_1.3.0.tar.bz2
>    Enter the name of the project and its version.
>- Now yo can build the project:
>    $ git-buildpackage -j4 -tc -kXXXXXXXX
>--git-export-dir="../build-area" --git-tag --git-ignore-branch
>being XXXXXXXX the public part of your gpg key.
>Once you've built it, you can import the whole project using
>git-builtpackage again via:
>$ gbp import-dsc ../epoch_1.3.0.dsc
>As an exercise, you can include all the defined conditionals in the
>buildepoch.sh script (I *removed* this file!) in the Makefile by the
>following way:
>ifeq (....)

I'll study this part in the next month.

>You could fuse both projects in an unique source defining two separate
>packages in the control file, but they have different version numbers.
>Keep it in mind.

I do not think so.
epoch init-system change rarely, config file will be added in the
project faster.


< Viverna >
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