:: [DNG] my first two packages
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Autor: viverna
Fecha: 2020-01-17 22:05 -000
A: dng
Asunto: [DNG] my first two packages
Hi folks,
I tried in my computers a epoch init system homemade package.
I have no experience as packager and I don't like bureaucratic style for
to make a Debian package or maybe I didn't understand it completely...

However I make my first, and maybe last :-) two package: epoch (base
program) and epoch-data (config files).

Grab it on:

"make dist" make package "homemade" for arch amd64.

Why Epoch?
I like init scripts (for example runit) but epoch + daemon configuration
file are the simplest infrastructure I know.

epoch (program) is a package dependent on epoch-data (config file).

Installing epoch, all config files are copied for all daemon installed
and if grub is present epoch is added as entry in grub menu. Deleting
epoch remove all scripts and entry in grub menu if grub is present.

This solution is generic and could be applied for other init system.
Init program (base program) and init-data (scripts init/config files).
ifj in the devuan infrastructure to inject in all package init freedom
(add conf file and init script in all daemon).

With collaboration with ifj that disseminates in all packages init
scripts or configuration files it could be guaranteed Init Freedom.

There is no need of forking all daemon.
Create 2 packages (init and init-data) for 1 init system.
Create config file/init script for all daemon.
Injected with ifj automatically.

But there are problems:
- I have little time to devote to this project.
- Write code is ok for me but I am a very poor packager. I don't
understand how make good packages.
- I need help for write config file/init script for all daemon.
- I (fairly) know only epoch and runit, other init just for the name.
- Warning! Use it at your own risk! These packages are very very very

However this could be a first start.

< Viverna >
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