:: [DNG] When upgrading to Beowulf ple…
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Autor: Svante Signell
Data: 2020-01-09 11:12 -000
A: Devuan dng ml
Assumptes nous: Re: [DNG] When upgrading to Beowulf please test and report issues with eudev-3.2.9-2 from unstable! (PATH error)
Assumpte: [DNG] When upgrading to Beowulf please test and report issues with eudev-3.2.9-2 from unstable!

We are currently working on updating eudev from 3.2.7 to 3.2.9 for Beowulf.
Current version in Beowulf/testing is now 3.2.7-6, and the latest 3.2.9-2
version is in Ceres/unstable. In order to find out any remaining bugs, please
test and report back any success/problems/bugs with that version.

One issue is already known (and is a Debian bug too, even at udev-244-3):
/etc/init.d/{udev,eudev} {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status}
udev does not support containers, not started ... (warning).

Steps to test:
You can also use country codes: e.g. http://de.deb.devuan.org...
# ascii
deb http://deb.devuan.org/merged ascii main

# beowulf
deb http://deb.devuan.org/merged beowulf main

# unstable
deb http://deb.devuan.org/devuan unstable main

apt-get -t beowulf upgrade
apt-get -t beowulf dist-upgrade
apt-get install -t unstable eudev libeudev1
<find any errors etc>

<reboot,halt+start><upgrade/downgrade><find any errors etc>
