:: Re: [DNG] Fonts trouble on beowulf
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Lähettäjä: Rowland penny
Päiväys: 2020-01-08 18:07 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Fonts trouble on beowulf
On 08/01/2020 17:56, fsmithred via Dng wrote:
> On 1/8/20 11:38 AM, Rowland penny via Dng wrote:
>> On 08/01/2020 16:25, golinux@??? wrote:
>>> On 2020-01-08 10:14, Rowland penny via Dng wrote:
>>>> On 08/01/2020 16:02, golinux@??? wrote:
>>>>> phenix is the correct spelling and has been since jessie.  ;)  The
>>>>> French do it differently. :D
>>>> No, the Americans cannot spell correctly, it is Pheonix in English ;-)
>>>> Rowland
>>> Even DDG isn't buying that one. When I search for Pheonix I am gently
>>> asked whether I really want to search on that non-standard word:
>>> Including results for phoenix.
>>> Search only for "Pheonix"?
>>> urbandictionary.com has a definition though.  LOL!
>>> golinux
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>> This is what you get from upgrading to Beowulf and Thunderbird gets sets
>> to the American version of English LOL
>> Yes it is 'Phoenix', I just missed the transposition of the 'e' and 'o'
>> because I knew that they were both in there, even if the spellchecker
>> (American) was saying it was spelt wrong. I have now fixed the Thunderbird
>> spell checker, it is now using 'English (United Kingdom)'
>> Rowland
> Copy/paste from upstream git LISEZ-MOI.md - I don't know how it will look
> in email, but there's an accent aigu over the e in Phenix. No o in the
> theme name.
> "## À propos
> Le projet Clearlooks-Phénix a pour but de créer une version GTK3 de
> Clearlooks, thème par défaut de Gnome 2. Un style est également inclus
> pour GTK2, Unity et les gestionnaires de fenêtres Metacity, Openbox et Xfwm4."
> fsmithred

Pardon ? Sorry but I do not speak French (at least I think it is
French), but if you are referring to the mythical bird that rises from
the ashes, it is 'Phoenix' in English. Anything else is not English.
