:: [DNG] Elementary beginner's Tcl pre…
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Autor: Steve Litt
Fecha: 2020-01-08 15:25 -000
A: dng
Asunto: [DNG] Elementary beginner's Tcl presentation tonight
Hi all,

I'm going to be presenting on elementary beginner's Tcl tonight at 7pm
New York Time, at our monthly GoLUG meeting via Jitsi. Tcl is a simple
language that develops quickly to CLI, GUI and Web, with features and
add-ons to accomplish pretty much whatever you want to. Tcl would be a
good candidate language to create Devuan specific programs.

The GoLUG video meeting will be made available by Jan 8th, 2020
(tonight) beginning at 6:30pm at the following link:


I suggest you get there earlier than 7pm to iron out any Jitsi config
stuff, especially with microphone and camera.

As always, here are some things to consider:

1-Browsers to consider using:
google chrome and or chromium browsers seem to work the best, so if you
are experiencing connectivity issues, switch to one of those if

2-if you don't want to be seen or heard in the video conference but
still want to participate, just disable your video and audio, until
your ready.

3-you can join the conference by the following devices:

- cell phone (iphone and or android)
- tablet
- laptop computer
- desktop computer

Hope to see you there.


Steve Litt
January 2020 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts