:: Re: [DNG] Catching up (was Re: Resu…
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Autor: fsmithred
Data: 2019-12-31 19:53 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Catching up (was Re: Result of the Debian vote 'General Resolution: Init systems and systemd')
On 12/31/19 2:16 PM, Andrew McGlashan via Dng wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Hi,
> On 1/1/20 4:20 am, fsmithred via Dng wrote:
>> On 12/31/19 12:06 PM, Andrew McGlashan via Dng wrote:
>>> So.... how long before we can expect to get stable release of
>>> Beowulf? Is there a reasonable timeline available yet?
>> About the only thing left to do is make the isos, and we're working
>> on that. Meanwhile, upgrades from ascii seem to be pretty smooth.
> Okay, so safe to update /etc/apt/sources.list and then:
>     apt-get update
>     apt-get dist-upgrade
> ... now?

> For production systems or any systems?
> Thanks
> A.

For production systems, I might do an upgrade on a test system first, only
because I haven't heard a lot of upgrade reports. Also, there might still
be some issues on upgrading lvm.

I've upgraded standard system (no X), a few xfce systems and a mate
desktop. They've all been uneventful.
