Auteur: Andrew McGlashan Date: À: dng Sujet: Re: [DNG] Result of the Debian vote 'General Resolution: Init
systems and systemd'
On 30/12/19 3:10 pm, terryc wrote: > On Sat, 28 Dec 2019 23:11:16 +1100 Andrew McGlashan via Dng
> <dng@???> wrote: In my experience, when people who do
> not do the work start telling the people who do do the work, what
> to do, many efforts disintigrate.
Without users, including sysadmins willing to install and support an
OS, it's use will disintegrate. It may as well then be a distro just
for the DDs and those that don't care about non systemd pollution
and/or vandalism.