:: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan on WSL?
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Szerző: Denis Roio
Dátum: 2019-12-11 15:49 -000
Címzett: devuan developers internal list
Tárgy: Re: [devuan-dev] Devuan on WSL?

dear devs,

On Sat, 07 Dec 2019, Evilham wrote:

> AFAIK this wouldn't be officially supported because closed
> environments and all that. That's also why there are no official
> Devuan images on Docker Hub or Vagrant Cloud.

There is no such debate nor decision taken on this, perhaps the only
reason why there are no Devuan images loaded on docker hub is that we
never had such a discussion nor had reasons to have it.

WSL: Regarding the question posed by Alexey, whom I see as a potential
contributor to the WSL build of Devuan: I'd rather not answer
negatively! I for one would find it very useful and provide testing
feedback, since sometimes I'm forced (for work or for helping a
friend) I put my hands on a Win10 computer and the first thing I do is
installing WSL Alpine, which workds well to a certain degrees, but has
shortcomings compared to Devuan on some desktop-worth tasks.

Docker: As a docker ab/user :^) I haven't bothered much about that,
rather than use extensively these builds made on top of Olaf's bare
images https://hub.docker.com/r/dyne/devuan as of today usage in our
organisation is so extensive at this point that I can propose them for
upstreaming as official without too many fears. My reserves on docker
are 2:

1. using it in production: NO! lets have prominent notices
we also made this which helps building a Devuan SDK based blend
from a Docker image https://github.com/dyne/docker2sh
works great to prototype fast headless Devuan derivatives!

2. hosting images on Docker Hub, I don't like it, even for my own
images: I'd love instead to have my own docker image server and so
also for Devuan to have its own.

VMs in general: It is my fault for not catching up on them for the
ASCII 2.1 build, but I plan to dedicate more time to this and the SDK
in the coming year. I believe Devuan has a big audience for all this.
