:: Re: [Frei0r] New release: frei0r pl…
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Autor: d.j.a.y
Para: Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
Assunto: Re: [Frei0r] New release: frei0r plugin collection v1.7.0
Dear Jaromil,
dears all frie0r contributors/hackers,

Wanted just to thank you all for keeping alive this project.
So, Thank you all!

By the way is there a roadmap for next release? v2.0 ? ...
(apart fixing my pull request 73!!! ◔_◔ )

My best regards.

----- Mail original -----
> De: "Denis Roio" <jaromil@???>
> À: frei0r@???
> Cc: hackers@???
> Envoyé: Vendredi 6 Décembre 2019 17:28:23
> Objet: [Frei0r] New release: frei0r plugin collection v1.7.0
> Dear readers
> After a bit more than 2 years since the last release, I'm happy to
> announce the frei0r video plugin collection version 1.7.0, adding 3
> new filters and some major cleanup and bugfixes.
> Download it from: https://files.dyne.org/frei0r
> Here below the relevant ChangeLog section:
>     This release includes three new filters, code cleanups and several
>     bugfixes improving stability of existing plugins.
>     New filters (3): normaliz0r, elastic_scale, premultiply.
>     Updated (47): alpha0ps, baltan, bgsubtractor, bluescreen0r, blur,
>     c0rners, cairogradient, cairoimagegrid, cartoon, cluster,
>     coloradj, colorhalftone, curves, d90stairsteppingfix, defish0r,
>     delay0r, edgeglow, emboss, facebl0r, facedetect, levels,
>     lightgraffiti, measure, ndvi, nervous, nosync0r, primaries,
>     rgbnoice, rgbsplit0r, scanline0r, select0r, sopsat, spillsupress,
>     three_point_balance, timeout, tutorial, vertigo, vignette, water,
>     alphaatop, alphain, alphaout, alphaover, alphaxor,
>     cairoaffineblend, cairoblend, xfade0r

> With this release we welcome many new contributors, especially thanks
> to the activity around KDEnlive and Dan Dennedy's excellent coaching.
> The AUTHORS file is updated accordingly. The README follows, for
> those
> who want to know more about Frei0r. You are welcome to forward this
> email to anyone interested. Happy hacking!
> ```
>    ___________              ._________
>    \_   _____/______   ____ |__\   _  \_______
>     |    __) \_  __ \_/ __ \|  /  /_\  \_  __ \
>     |     \   |  | \/\  ___/|  \  \_/   \  | \/
>     \___  /   |__|    \___  >__|\_____  /__|
>         \/                \/          \/

> ```
> *Minimalistic plugin API for video effects, by the Piksel Developers
> Union*
> Updated info on https://frei0r.dyne.org
> # What frei0r is
> Frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video effects.
> The main emphasis is on simplicity for an API that will round up the
> most common video effects into simple filters, sources and mixers
> that
> can be controlled by parameters.
> It's our hope that this way these simple effects can be shared
> between
> many applications, avoiding their reimplementation by different
> projects.
> ## What frei0r is not
> Frei0r is not meant as a competing standard to more ambitious efforts
> that try to satisfy the needs of many different applications and more
> complex effects.
> It is not meant as a generic API for all kinds of video applications,
> as it doesn't provides things like an extensive parameter mechanism
> or
> event handling.
> Eventually the frei0r API can be wrapped by higher level APIs
> expanding its functionalities
> (for instance as GStreamer, MLT, FFmpeg and others do).
> ## Current status
> Developers are sporadically contributing and we are happy if more
> people like to get involved, so let us know about your creations!
> Code
> and patches are well accepted, get in touch with us on the
> mailinglist (see the section Communication below).
> ## History
> Frei0r has been around since 2004, born from yearly brainstormings
> held at the Piksel conference with the participation of various free
> and open source video software developers.
> It works on all hardware platforms without the need for any
> particular
> hardware acceleration (GNU/Linux, Apple/OSX and MS/Win) and consists
> of more than 100 plugins. Among the free and open source video
> application supporting frei0r are: KDEnLive, FFmpeg, MLT, PureData,
> Open Movie Editor, DVEdit, Gephex, LiVES, FreeJ, VeeJay, Flowblade,
> and
> Shotcut among the others.
> Wikipedia page about frei0r: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frei0r
> [Piksel]: http://www.piksel.no
> [PureData]: http://www.artefacte.org/pd/
> [Open Movie Editor]: http://openmovieeditor.sourceforge.net/
> [DVEdit]: http://www.freenet.org.nz/dvedit
> [Gephex]: http://www.gephex.org/
> [LiVES]: http://lives.sf.net
> [FreeJ]: http://freej.dyne.org
> [MøB]: http://mob.bek.no/
> [VeeJay]: http://veejayhq.net
> [MLT]: http://www.mltframework.org/
> [KDEnLive]: http://www.kdenlive.org/
> [Flowblade]: http://code.google.com/p/flowblade/
> [Shotcut]: https://www.shotcut.org/
> # Downloads
> ## Source code
> Stable frei0r releases are packaged periodically and distributed on
> https://files.dyne.org/frei0r
> Frei0r sourcecode is released under the terms of the GNU General
> Public License and, eventually other compatible Free Software
> licenses.
> The latest source for frei0r plugins can be attained using git on
> https://github.com/dyne/frei0r
> Make sure to get in touch with our mailinglist if you like to
> contribute.
> ## Build dependencies
> Frei0r can be built on GNU/Linux, M$/Windows and Apple/OSX platforms,
> possibly in even more environments like embedded devices.
> For details see the [INSTALL](/INSTALL.md) file.
> ### GNU / Linux
> Binary packages are mantained on various distributions, but they may
> not be completely up to date with latest release.
> ### Apple / OSX
> MacPorts provides packages for OSX:
> [MacPorts]: http://www.macports.org
>           $ sudo port install frei0r-plugins

> Pre-compiled binaries are also uploaded on our website.
> We encourage Apple/OSX application distributors to compile the
> plugins
> directly and to include frei0r within their bundle.
> ### Microsoft / Windows
> Pre-compiled binaries are often provided by third-parties, but they
> may not to be up to date.
> We encourage MS/Win application distributors to compile the plugins
> directly and to include frei0r within their bundle.
> # Documentation
> If you are new to frei0r (but not to programming) the best thing is
> probably to have a look at the [frei0r header](/include/frei0r.h),
> which is quite simple and well documented. The [doxyfied
> documentation](http://frei0r.dyne.org/codedoc/html) is also available
> for browsing on-line.
> ## C++ Filter example
> You could find a tutorial filter
> [here](https://github.com/dyne/frei0r/tree/master/src/filter/tutorial)
> in the source code.
> A simple skeleton for a frei0r video filter looks like this:
> ```c++
> #include <frei0r.hpp>
>   typedef struct {
>     int16_t w, h;
>     uint8_t bpp;
>     uint32_t size;
>   } ScreenGeometry;

>   class MyExample: public frei0r::filter {
>   public:
>     MyExample(int wdt, int hgt);
>     ~MyExample();
>     virtual void update();
>   private:
>     ScreenGeometry geo;
>     void _init(int wdt, int hgt);
>   }

> MyExample::MyExample() { /* constructor */ }
> MyExample::~MyExample() { /* destructor */ }
>   void MyExample::_init(int wdt, int hgt) {
>     geo.w = wdt;
>     geo.h = hgt;
>     geo.bpp = 32; // this filter works only in RGBA 32bit
>     geo.size = geo.w*geo.h*(geo.bpp/8); // calculate the size in
>     bytes
>   }

>   void MyExample::update() {
>     // we get video input via buffer pointer (void*)in
>     uint32_t *src = (uint32_t*)in;
>     // and we give video output via buffer pointer (void*)out
>     uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t*)out;
>     // this example here does just a copy of input to output
>     memcpy(dst, src, geo.size);
>   }

>   frei0r::construct<MyExample>
>           plugin("MyExample", "short and simple description for my
>           example",
>                  "Who did it", 1, 0);
> ```

> ## Communication
> You can get in touch with our developer community, send your new
> effects and share your intentions with us.
> We have a free mailinglist open to
> [subscription](https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/frei0r)
> and we provide [public
> archives](https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/list/frei0r.en.html) of the
> discussions there that are also searchable and indexed online.
> For bug reporting the mailinglist is preferred, but is also possible
> to use an [issue tracker](https://github.com/dyne/frei0r/issues).
> ## Acknowledgments
> Frei0r is the result of a collective effort in coordination with
> several software developers meeting to find a common standard for
> video effect plugins to be used among their applications.
> For a full list of contributors and the project history, see the file
> [AUTHORS](/AUTHORS), the [ChangeLog](/ChangeLog) and the project web
> page: https://frei0r.dyne.org
> --
>   Denis "Jaromil" Roio      https://Dyne.org think &do tank
>   Ph.D, CTO & co-founder    software to empower communities
>   ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>   𝄞 crypto κρυπτο крипто गुप्त् 加密 האנוסים المشفره
>   ⚷ 6113D89C A825C5CE DD02C872 73B35DA5 4ACB7D10

> _______________________________________________
> Frei0r mailing list - http://frei0r.dyne.org
> Free video plugins, minimal and cross-platform.
> https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/frei0r

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