:: Re: [devuan-dev] Upgrading existing…
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Autor: Denis Roio
Fecha: 2019-12-03 08:39 -000
A: devuan developers internal list
Asunto: Re: [devuan-dev] Upgrading existing buildhosts
On Mon, 02 Dec 2019, Mark Hindley wrote:

> Further to this, we discovered that ascii and later was holding on
> to an ancient forked version of cowdancer/cowbuilder
> (0.74+devuan1). This was also causing build failures. After review,
> we feel we no longer need this and have reverted to Debian's
> packaging. Please upgrade your buildhosts to this version:
> [ascii] cowbuilder-0.85
> [ascii-backports] cowbuilder-0.88~bpo9+1
> [beowulf] cowbuilder-0.88

ACK. in our tests on the ARM64 builder there was indeed something
strange, maybe this is the reason?

BTW, congrats on the amprolla patch! I'm happy it worked and I'm still
comfortable in playing the Devil's advocate when it comes to patching
core infrastructure ]:^D
