著者: Mark Hindley 日付: To: Evilham CC: devuan developers internal list 題目: Re: [devuan-dev] Amprolla fixes (was Re: Notes - Devuan meet Nov.
21, 2019)
On Fri, Nov 29, 2019 at 10:55:18AM +0000, Mark Hindley wrote: > We discussed amprolla last night at the meet, and I think that only 1 of the 2
> instances is doing anything useful. All http requests to packages.d.o are
> redirected to pkgmaster.d.o so the amprolla instance feeding packages.d.o could
> probably be disabled or removed. That only leaves 1 to update.
Just in case you didn't see my comment on #devuan-infra, I am now less
sure this is right. Although packages.d.o is redirected to
pkgmaster.d.o, it still has a differnt root in the nginx confiig. It
looks as if we do need both amprolla instances. Sorry.
I am unclear why there is such a complicated setup. Maybe redundancy or
golinux thought it might be left over from jessie? Any ideas?
Anyway, it is probably worth patching and keeping both instances until
we are clearer.