:: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Oc…
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Autor: Plasma
Data: 2019-10-24 02:44 -000
A: devuan-dev
Assumpte: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Oct. 23, 2019
And now for your kind attention, the devuan-dev meet notes for
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019.



# Devuan meet Oct 23, 2019 @20:30 UTC

Pad is here:

Meet here: https://vdc.dyne.org/devuan
   * Please post notes prior to the meet.
   * Please add your name as 'Present' below when you get to the
   * When adding a comment in someone else's notes, please
     pre-pend your name like this: (whoever) whatever . . .

Present: rrq, kramer, plasma41, danyspin97, golinux, Centurion Dan, fsr

## Old Business

### amesser
- Just for the record, when building kernel deb on beowulf I got this
problem with fakeroot (sry for german):

dpkg-deb: Paket »linux-image-5.3.7-dbg« wird in
»../linux-image-5.3.7-dbg_5.3.7-amesser0_amd64.deb« gebaut.
semop(1): encountered an error: Das Argument ist ungültig

Might be of interrest for build-farm. A new package seems to be in
Debian unstable already:
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=856439 but it seems
to worsen the problem on my machine even more (deadlock in mkdir)

## Old Actions

- Partial point release. Still need arm, virtual images
and torrent set up

## New Business

### fsmithred
- I made a couple beowulf desktop-live isos with live-sdk. In the amd64,
elogind got removed (probably when consolekit and backends got
installed for slim) but in the i386 it did not get removed. I haven't
had a chance to test and see if everything works, but they look good.
(iso boots in vm, seems to have all the packages, power buttons work
in xfce.)
- (rrq) am I supposed to be doing beowulf isos already?

## New Actions

- (rrq) set up arm* qemu images on devuan infrastructure.

- (plasma) Test the 2.1 images for Raspberry Pi 1 & 2

- (kramer) Test the 2.1 images for Raspberry Pi 3