:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Extinction Rebellion…
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Συντάκτης: Alexander Ross
Προς: unsystem
Καινούρια Θέματα: Re: [unSYSTEM] ***SPAM*** Re: Extinction Rebellion?
Αντικείμενο: Re: [unSYSTEM] Extinction Rebellion?
On 12/10/2019 1:45 am, The New Meta wrote:> Well, what are your thoughts?
> What type of extinction? Self-inflicted,
> caused by a person or people, or natural disaster?

the climate emergency and the extinction rebellion movement in the uk
and worldwide.>
> Many kinds all of which could lead to a rebellion.

mmh yea. rebellion is more branding, name, image.

Separate from the don’t get arrested, out of the way, sunday protests of
recent decades.
> Doesn’t really matter for all three unless you have power and money and
> even then, at least one of those doesn’t discriminate.

> Might I suggest you take a few breathers? Thinking about this sort of
> thing can’t be healthy...

yea, depressed enough as things are. for personal reasons and society
reasons. just watching USA & international: https://therealnews.com/ UK:
https://realmedia.press/ networks coverage is hard. idk how the
presenters/journalists keep going and find fun in the matter... i guess
they take a external view down into this amusing world, there by
separating them selfs enough to not get depressed by what it all means
but connected still enough to know thats its bad news for us humans and

XR -Extinction Rebellion- for this reason of health, incorporates
graving into the protesting and movement and organising. getting
arrested is a action people do, to help ya feel better heh.

My thoughts:
xr seams to have a lot of people from local groups that have a err
right/fixed ways mentality. its to be expected when involving mid/older
generations. its how most of them socialize but its a concern too.

like how many of them didn’t like the drone a few feet of ground, just
enough to break law action and made a big fuss. xr will be branded as
terrorists anyway. as its a rebellion.

yea if it was the pilots that had a rebellion and went on strike instead
that would be more interesting, failing that breaking the strict anti
drone law for a get arrested count got lots of talk and attention. which
is a aim :).

i find the lack of security and anonymity depressing. its better now
more are using signal for affinity groups and telegram for public
broadcasts. in April it was all whatsapp :(. so its a good improvement
of security practices. if getting arrested, then i guess being anon
doesn’t matter so much as they will know its you in the end. i had to
strongly encourage my local group to use signal.

i was surprised the local group did use signal in the end. they had
trouble understanding how to set there name and pic in there profile and
adding numbers/people to the group chat.

from the recent rebellion. i don’t think it was enough. more is needed.
more outrageous actions. tons and tons more arrests. i’ve not managed
to get involved in much at all or any proper actions my self... :/. tons
more out reach. still mostly those that care and activists getting
involved. not enough of the general public.